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The request process is the same for both Self-Service requests and Requests. Which options you have will depend upon your account configuration. Self-Service requests are automatically approved but may have additional restrictions surrounding duration and advanced booking. Requests require a scheduling staff member to approve them and can often be made farther in advance.

The options available under each of these will also vary by account and could include:
  • Make a Request - Helpful if you want suggestions on available rooms or would prefer a room be assigned to you.
  • Find a Room - Helpful if you are not sure exactly which room you need but know the type of space required.
  • Request a Specific Room - Helpful if you know exactly which room you need.

The example below includes an example where I selected a specific room. The workflow is largely the same through all of the request methods.

  1. First you must select your Request Type. This will limit the rooms you will be able to book and also controls which scheduling team will receive your request. The request type may describe the grouping of rooms or the scheduling team or resources contained within.
  2. You can optionally select a location (which is typically a building) to further limit your search, or select All.
  3. You can select additional room criteria to attach to your request. Specifying this does two things:
    • It filters rooms that appear below so that only rooms appear that meet your criteria
    • It is attached to your request so that if schedulers have to give you a different room, they will pick a room that matches your criteria.
Once you have completed the first three steps, you will see a list of available rooms below.

  1. Clicking on a row will select that room.
  2. You can use the calendar icons to see the room schedule for a room but this is not required to proceed.
  3. You can also click the Room Details link to see more information about the room.
  4. You must then select your booking duration.
  5. Then you select your booking window. This is the period of time in which you want to secure your duration. In the screenshot example, I have asked for a 2 hour booking in a 4 hour booking window between 6 and 10 pm.
  6. Once the request is configured click Verify Calendar to see room availability.

  1. An availability calendar will appear showing you each day that meets the requirements you have specified. Click on a day you would like to book.
  2. Once a day is selected, you will see a list of availabilities. Select Request to select your start time.

On the reservation confirmation screen you will be provided a summary of your request and asked to provide additional information about your request.

Your screen may look different then what is displayed above. Different booking types have different questions and requirements for booking.
  1. You can enter the number of attendees that will be involved in your reservation.
  2. You will see a summary of the date, time and duration of your request. You can optionally add additional time information about your request here.
  3. You will see a summary of the location for your request. You can optionally add additional location information.
  4. You may be asked to provide additional information about your request here. Provide as much detail as possible to help the schedulers fulfill your request.
  5. At the bottom of the page you will see the information of the scheduling unit that will be processing your request. You can follow up if you have any additional questions.
  6. Once you have verified all your information is correct, and completed all of the required fields, you can click the Submit button to complete your request.
Once you submit, you will receive a prompt. Click Ok to submit your request. You will receive a confirmation popup indicating your request number. Once submitted, your request will be available under your My Bookings link.

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You can use the My Bookings, My Self-Service and My Requests links to see your previous requests. All three pages operate the same way but will show different content depending on which you select.
  • My Bookings - Shows all of your bookings.
  • My Self-Service - Only shows your self-service bookings.
  • My Requests - Only shows your requests that require approval.

The screenshot above shows a typical request review screen. The following sections are identified in the screenshot.

  1. This allows you to view your requests by occurrence. This is useful if you booked a reoccurring request and wish to see each individual component.
  2. This filter allows you to look at future or past bookings.
  3. This search box allows you to type text and search all of the available fields in the table. Results will disappear if they do not match the search criteria.
  4. This area shows your request. You will see your request number, date you requested, the time range you requested, which room your request was assigned to [Approved Room(s)], the room you requested, and any additional information you may have provided.
    • If you click on the row, it will load your request details (similar to the Making a New Request confirmation screen. See View Request Details / Modifying a Request for more details.
    • In the final column to the right, you have the option to cancel the request by clicking the Cancel button.

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You can cancel any request you submit, both approved and not yet approved, from a reservation display list or the modify request screen.

The following example is from a request list.

To cancel a reservation, first click on the Cancel button. This will open a Cancel Request window.

  1. Please enter a reason into the text box.
  2. Once complete, click on the Yes button at the bottom of the screen. You can also abort the cancellation by clicking in the No button or clicking the X in the upper right corner of the screen.

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After clicking on a row in any request lists, you will see the Request Details page for the request you selected. The page will look similar to the screenshot below:

  1. This section provides an overview of who the request was submitted to. Including contact information for the scheduling team should you need to follow up.
  2. This section provides an overview of the request details including the date, time and room information. Along with any additional information required.
  3. This section shows a history the request. This example is only showing the submission but details about approvals, rejections and edits to the request will appear here as well.
  4. Email notifications are sent for many of the actions that appear in the history section. You can click on the envelope icon to see the contents of any message.
  5. These buttons allow you to cancel the request or make changes to it.
Modifying a reservation cancels the current reservation and creates a new one to replace it. You will be given a new request number and have the ability to edit some details before submitting the new request.
  1. You must select a way to proceed. Which option you choose will determine what options you can edit after proceeding.
    • Keep the same room, find a different date or time - This keeps the same room (and skips room selection steps) but allows you to choose a new date, time and additional details.
    • Find a different room, and optionally change date or time - This basically starts the request over and allows you to select a new room, date and time as well as the additional details. It does "remember" your date and time so that you do not have to reenter it.
    • Keep the same room, date and time, and only change other information - This keeps your room and time selections as they are and just shows the confirmation screen where you can edit the additional details.
  2. Once you select an option, the Proceed button will activate. Clicking the Proceed button will jump you into the reservation process depending on which option you choose above.

The remainder of the modification process is the same as submitting a new request and you can follow the directions above if you need additional assistance.

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From any room list you are able to click the Room Details link. This will display a new page with additional room information as shown in the screenshot below.

  1. Lists location information related to the room. Including campus, building and room number.
  2. Lists room attributes like room type and area.
  3. Lists configuration details about the room including room capacity, characteristics of the room and images of the space.

These room details can help you find the perfect space for your event.

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Note: Not all booking types will allow reoccurring bookings. If you do not see this option, it is because it is not enabled for the booking type you have selected or your account type. Contact the scheduling team if you do not have this option.

Recurrence is only available when booking using the Make a Request booking option.
  1. Enter the date for your first booking.
  2. Enter the start time for each of your bookings.
  3. Enter the duration of each booking.
  4. Check the box for Recurring Reservation. This will expand a new section.
  5. Select the type of recurrance you desire. Either daily, weekly, monthly or yearly
    • Daily - Your request will be for every day from your Start Date (see 1 above) and your end date / number of occurrences (see 6 below). You can optionally specify a pause between each booking. So if you wish to have it every second day, you can enter every 2 days into the Recur every box.
    • Weekly - Your request will repeat every week on the days you specify. You can also specify a Recur every option if you want a booking every so many number of weeks.
    • Monthly - Your request will repeat monthly. You can choose a particular date of the month (like the 15th of every month) or you can define the first / second / third / fourth / last day of a particular week day of the month.
    • Yearly - Your request will repeat once per year on the month and date you specify, or you can define the first / second / third / fourth / last day of a particular week day of a month.
    • Most request types will not allow weekly or yearly bookings and may have restrictions on daily and weekly as well.
  6. You can specify how many occurrences will be generated. Either by selecting an end date for your booking or by specifying the number of bookings you require.
  7. Clicking this button is optional but will show you which dates and days will be requested. This is recommended so that you can confirm everything is accurate. More on this function below.
  8. Click Proceed to move to the booking confirmation screen.

When clicking the Show Occurrences button you will see a screen similar to the above. From here you can review the dates and days of your request to ensure it is what you intended. But you also have the option to override specific instances of your request.

  1. This is the Show Occurrences / Hide Occurrences button which shows / hides the details.
  2. This table contains the date of each of your occurrences, the day of the week that falls on, as well as a status for each date.
  3. By default, all options are selected. But you have the option to ignore a particular date or to modify it to an alternate date. Consider if there is a holiday that falls within your request dates. You can preemptively cancel that booking now, or reschedule it for the following day.
There is no guarantee that schedulers will be able to fulfill all dates in your request. Additionally, they may assign a combination of rooms to fulfill your request. For this reason, please ensure the Additional Room Criteria is specified so that you are matched to the most appropriate room or include required details in your booking description.

On the reservation confirmation screen you will be provided a summary of your request and asked to provide additional information about your request.

Your screen may look different then what is displayed above. Different booking types have different questions and requirements for booking.
  1. You can enter the number of attendees that will be involved in your reservation.
  2. You will see a summary of the date, time and duration of your request. You can optionally add additional time information about your request here.
  3. You will see a summary of the location for your request. You can optionally add additional location information.
  4. You may be asked to provide additional information about your request here. Provide as much detail as possible to help the schedulers fulfill your request.
  5. At the bottom of the page you will see the information of the scheduling unit that will be processing your request. You can follow up if you have any additional questions.
  6. Once you have verified all your information is correct, and completed all of the required fields, you can click the Submit button to complete your request.
Once you submit, you will receive a prompt. Click Ok to submit your request. You will receive a confirmation popup indicating your request number. Once submitted, your request will be available under your My Bookings link.

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